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Hey, all you thousands and thousands of people I used to teach who are combing through my site in search of the songs I wrote and made you sing in French class! Here are some of the texts.


Somewhere, there are others. I hope to add a few of them, when I find them


Somewhere, there's a work tape of me singing a bunch of them. I'm trying to track that down too.


Somewhere on youtube, there's a video of me with a bunch of kids singing the Halloween song I wrote for teaching negative expressions. And now, it's also somewhere on this very site! Check out the PERFORMANCE tab, under PLAYGROUND.


(Chanson poissoniere; Mauvaises conductrices;

Quand là sera très loin d'ici; La Chanson de Thomas de Tonnerre; Les trois belles filles; La Chanson du pilote de ligne; Voilà mon corps qui me fait face; Le Chat de Loulou)

(Chanson de protestation contre l'école quand il fait mauvais; Joyeux Noël; Hippopotame; Chanson pour faire PFFT;
Okapi Caca Pipi; Si j'étais; Pierre et Jean;
Les Moderato Blues)


With a French-teacher colleague, I occasionally organized Anglo-French cabaret evenings, featuring recitations, songs, playlets and sketches in a mix of the two languages. Some of that material was self-penned. I'm posting a few of those pieces, in the hope that some other French teacher somewhere may wish to make use of them! (And if you do, please let me know.)

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